About Me

I help individuals become their best self.

As a Master Certified Life Coach (MCLC), NY Certified Peer Specialist (NYCPS), with a B.S degree in management finance, a M.S. degree in elementary education, and an advanced certificate in literacy I seek to make a real and measurable difference in my clients’ lives. I’ve worked with people in the service field for over 25 years providing a variety of services that met a life need whether it was in business, education, or personal life. I have also traveled a long, difficult, but extremely rewarding journey, where I have transformed my own life and overcame tremendous obstacles to find peace, love and happiness. With over 5 years experience as a Life Coach I am passionate about helping people transform their hearts and minds and harness their journey to create the life they want and overcome obstacles holding them back. You can and will live a life beyond your wildest dreams, it just takes courage and self care to take the first step of seeking help. I’ve nurtured spirituality, self development, love and kindness into my life and have found balance, peace and happiness. Together we will get to the root of what you want, we will resolve any confusion and distractions, take actionable steps for growth, and find clarity, meaning, direction and happiness. It’s your turn to live your dreams. Wherever you are in life and whatever age you are if you are truly interested, open, and committed to achieving your best self (which is ever evolving ) connect with me and let’s start your transformational journey Today! With the right support, guidance, and accountability you can move toward success. Believe that you can and that you deserve to and invest in the right coach to get you there. Investing in yourself is the best investment you can ever make and it pays off in all areas of your life. After you take the first step the only question you will have is “Why didn’t I do this sooner?”

Jayne Roberts

Years of

Jayne Roberts MCLC, NYCPS

Master Certified Life Coach
NY Certified Peer Specialist
BS Management Science/finance
MS Elementary education
Advanced Certificate in Literacy

A Holistic Approach
Years of

A Holistic Approach

To provide a HOLISTIC APPROACH to Life Coaching I have been trained and incorporate the following Life Coach Niches in my practice:
  • Transformation Life Coach
  • Life Purpose Life coach
  • Spiritual Life Coach
  • Health and Nutrition Life Coach
  • Wellness Life Coach
  • Neurolinguistic Programming Life Coach
  • Neuroplasticity

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